“We’ve got a really good safety record in my club.”
Glossary Draft 2: Wordsire for _____-_____
Glossary Draft 2: Word-Desire for _________________
slang, 21st C. Beast Yayarian, New Old Country, E.orthaYrda (g.terra1), M.W.G.
(…[thereverywellmayoratleastoughttobea]…]”GERMAN WORD FOR THIS FEELING”)
eg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bKVACKDTVs
Tincan Docks
So I’ve got this golden view I’ll surely be asked to return any moment now, but if you fox just right down the hill (it’s a cake batter bowl of hills) you can see the blue city over the water.
Prepping poems to bring to the dust (Vacancy@NoSleep) and taking the time to find new favorite versions of old reliable words.
Thank you, Bay Elders, for leaving crumbs for us now-sters on our own (same) blurry hillsides
Speaking of Godmothers
V is for Vagus?
More weaving, feeling, shedding, peeling. Step back. Document. Report. Iterate. Repeat.
Place / Object / Belly Feels: Tools for Sympathetic Resonance
As my hands have been incredulously moving stones up and down my own hillsides, my grandmothers’ dreams have been dancing with the near-future thrill of the Shrine of Sympathetic Resonance. Weaving. New mending. Big art. Almost forgot. Tools for remembering. Almost forgot.
Options: connectivity within, without
Options: "How do you know?"
Practical Magic: Art, Humor, and Whatever Humor Is
For Bears, Owls, Goblins, et alii
“A FAIRY went a-marketing
She bought a little fish;
She put it in a crystal bowl
Upon a golden dish.
An hour she sat in wonderment
And watched its silver gleam,
And then she gently took it up
And slipped it in a stream…”
Moar Linguistics
“…this blog is about strange and lovely words. Sometimes those are words from other languages that can’t be translated. Sometimes they’re words for feelings we’ve felt but never been able to name. Sometimes they’re just words that sound good.”
“The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.”
SF Needle Exchange
”Get the supplies you need to reduce your risk.”
Coming $oon: Cyanovisions
”Humans generate the pollutants that cause inland aggregations of toxic cyanobacteria blooms, yet we also create new life forms through synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and artificial life. What would the future look like if humans and cyanobacteria merged membranes, genes, and metabolisms?”
“Sometimes it’s as simple as going out there and helping out.”
“Wong hopes the beauty of one iridescent blue butterfly can remind people of the importance of native habitats.”
Rainbow Railroad
“In the spirit of and with homage to the Underground Railroad, the mission of Rainbow Railroad is to help LGBTQI people as they seek safe haven from state-enabled violence, murder or persecution.”
“Homo sapiens emerged as a species about 200,000 years ago and began speaking to each other with words about 100,000 years later — and in the build-up, created fantastical, multi-dimensional art.”
Dr. Carmella's Guide to Understanding the Introverted
Charlotte Salomon
“Something ‘eccentric and mad’ turned out to be an artwork in over seven hundred scenes, painted during one year (1941–1942), enriched by dialogues, soliloquies and musical references, arranged into acts and scenes, and titled ‘Life? Or Theater? An Operetta.’”